The COnnected Experience

Curating health and wellness data across products and platforms


Understanding members and what motivates them

Users of American Specialty Health’s network and services come from a variety of backgrounds, demographics, and locations across the country, all with a similar goal in mind. Being healthy! This part we knew. Those who participate in one of our programs weather young, elderly, already fit, or wanting to get into shape for the first time, were motivated by personal reasons above all. We found that incentives and accessibility merely provide that extra push to initiate participation, and the underlying goal health and wellness was the main driver in continued usage and activity. With that in mind we set out to optimize the way our companion applications help members enhance their lifestyles and accomplish their goals.


centralizing that information

American Specialty Health programs are designed to pair with (although not required) common fitness trackers like Fitbit, Garmin, Apple watch, to name a few, and the vast majority of members use these third party fitness tracker to help log their activity. This presents members with the multiple places from which they can monitor some of their health data. By bringing information collected by fitness trackers along side, incentive data, user reported data, and program information, participants can manage all of their health related tasks and goals in one place. Checking-out your progress for your monthly step goal? Mind as well log your calories while you’re here, or check-out a nearby social program!


guiding and being FLEXIBLE

Everyone has different goals, and everyone has different ways to manage those goals. With members coming to us through a number of different programs, with different mindsets and motivations for participation in one of our programs, we aimed to create a consistent product architecture that could be easily tailored for different experiences based on specific programs. The “Connected” dashboard driven by personalized member data became the central location for members to monitor their health data and track their goals. Members are able keep their goals tied to their incentive program or set the bar where it best suits their ability and fitness level.